Digital Support


UHI and its academic partners support those students who have no, or limited access, to IT equipment or an internet connection, in order for them to successfully undertake their studies.

All equipment provided is on a loan basis only and must be returned at the end of the academic year, unless agreed otherwise.


The below eligibility criteria have been created to provide priority support to those most in need:

  • Have no, or inadequate IT equipment or internet connectivity to allow you to study
  • Evidence you are from a low-income household

There is a limited number of laptops and 4G dongles this scheme can provide therefore it may be that not all requests can be supported.

Collage of 2 | Student working at a computer | Lines of computer code

Low-income evidence content

Low-income evidence

Low-income evidence

Evidence will need to be submitted to prove you are from a low-income household. This could include:

  • Confirmation you receive an Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA).
  • Confirmation you receive the maximum FE Bursary Maintenance Allowance.
  • Confirmation you receive the maximum student loan from SAAS.
  • Confirmation you receive Universal Credit or another DWP benefit.
  • Confirmation you receive support from the discretionary hardship fund.
  • In some circumstances a full income/expenditure assessment may need to be undertaken. For example, Nursing and Midwifery students do not receive SAAS loans therefore would need to undertake this process to evidence you are from a low-income household.

If you are not on a low income, you can still apply however you will not be prioritised for equipment.

To apply content

To apply

To apply

You are required to complete an application form and return to the Digital Support contact at your local college. If you have any queries regarding the fund, please speak to your local Digital Support contact, detailed below.

Note: UHI Inverness students – please contact your Personal Academic Tutor (PAT), Personal Development Advisor (PDA), or Student Support to be referred for a Digital Support loan; you are not required to complete the above form.

Note: UHI Perth students – you do not need to complete the above DSF application form. Please contact your Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) to be referred for a Digital Support loan. Your PAT will submit a referral for you through the UHI Perth DSS request procedure. Staff from the Additional Support Team may also refer students where assistive equipment is not appropriate or is not available. Staff can find full information on PerthHub.

Academic Partner Digital Support contact
UHI Argyll


UHI Inverness

UHI Moray

MC Comments

UHI North, West and Hebrides

UHI Orkney

UHI Perth

Sabhal Mòr Ostaig

Scottish Association of Marine Science

UHI Shetland

Department of Nursing and Midwifery

Nursing Support

Department of Optometry